Sunday, March 2, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Pastor Winthrop's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Pastor Winthrop's Q&A profile

Isn't Atheism tantamount to Treason in America?
Considering much of our political verbiage uses thename of "God" in it, how can an Atheist be a truepatriot?"Are we not One Nation under God in whom we trust?"Do we not use the term "God Bless America".Isn't it necessary for a President to be inauguratedsaying the words "So help me God."?What do you think of barring atheists from holdingpublic office until and unless they swear allegianceto God as well as to the flag of the United States?
17 minutes ago
- 3 days left to answer.
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1 comment:

Lizard of Ahaz said...

Often a member of my congregation will ask the question:

"Why doesn't God wipe atheists off the face of the earth
like he did to the people of Soddom and Gomorrah?"

My response recalls my experiences.

As a student, I was a liberal and a socialist. Most of my friends
were atheists who hated America, burnt the flag and who smoked weed. I thought of this as normal behaviour for our

Then along came a man of God who showed me what a
bunch of losers they all were and the damage that they
were doing to themselves and their country.

I realized that I was a lost sheep who needed the Good
Shepherd in my life again. And so, the atheists became
an warning for me of how to throw away a life.

They have, unwittingly, spurred me to a close relationship
with God and a deep love for America.
11 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
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