Saturday, February 2, 2008

Are the most bigoted people on the Internet the Yahoo answers team ?

So many good questions and parodies are deleted on a daily basis that I often wonder why or how for that matter yahoo stays in business . Constantly atheists and others ar insulted by the criminal harassment of FUN-DUH-MENTAL-ist Christians . They accuse use of many actions that are repulsive to any sane human being and their material is often left intact . While parody of these libellous questions is deleted swiftly . I ask you is Yahoo guilty of censorship and prejudice ?


Sips With A Fist said...

The most questionable word in your query is "people". I am not entirely convinced that the entire Yahoo Answers Team is not a nest of zombified fundamental manbots.

Hagi Hakamoto said...

Inane buffoons, one & all.
Yahoo doubtless recruits from the ranks of "fallen" (Impotent) Priests who are looking for ANY way to justify continuing their pitiful excuse for "lives".
Perhaps I am incorrect, however. Perhaps Yahoo, in their infinite fanatical "wisdom", has merely allotted the censorship duties to the staff of the Phillipines Yahoo Q&A, who speak & understand English on an "Entry" level, and therefore cannot understand nor begin to comprehend the Questions/Answers.
Or... The term "Atheist" means something like "Yo' Mama!" in Phillipino!
No... Try as I might to make light of Yahoo, there is no laughter in bigotted ignorance.

Let's hope that we fare better with "Microsoft".