Saturday, February 16, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Action's Fury=Truth Speaker's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Action's Fury=Truth Speaker's Q&A profile

Bismillāhir-Raúmānir-Raúeem = "In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate".Non-Muslims want to provoke Muslims by making pictures of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), Pope Benedict XVI of Vatican passed foolish & lieish remarks on ISLAM.Berlin opera pulled over Muhammad scene Sketches Start Another Ridiculous Backlash papers reprint Muhammad cartoon Blasphemous Teddy Bear was a teacher in an Islamic country “Sudan” & she did not know the very basics of the national religion of that country, she must have guided the children rather than helping them out in a immature act.Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran important news!!! The artist who drew the pictures of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) has died in a fire. He was burned alive. Denmark government is hiding the news from the public and everyone has got to know. Plz spread this.... (Its the price one must pay 4 the insult of Allah's Prophet) plz copy and paste this as many ppl... Thank you for your co operation.Check proof of death of Danish artist who drew sketches of Prophet Muhammad (SallAllaho Alaihi Wasallam) EVEN IN THIS WORLD TO THOSE WHO KILLED MUSLIMS (e.g. Slobodan Milosevic) sources:Research & observations from Holy Quran & Sahee Hadith, Religious scholars like Sheikh Ahmed Deedat’s, Dr. Zakir Naik's ,, Aalama Tahir-ul-Qadri, Israr Ahmed etc. May Allah help & guide us all, Amen’.
12 hours ago
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