Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gmail - Re: Yahoo! Answers (KMM65318750V81873L0KM) - lizardofahaz@gmail.com

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1 comment:

Lizard of Ahaz said...

I see what you are referring to The bigot blog where I list people who have made threats or harassed people and yahoo answers refuses to treat them as they treat atheist for the simple reason they are Christians . Now you are trying to suppress this blog with out making me a martyr is that it ? Perhaps you should be aware also that some of the posted " Christians " have been making email threats and actually calling others things like sluts . Complaints filed or reports made against them have no effect because yahoo favors them . Perhaps you should read what you are talking about before you cause a lawsuit to be filed against yahoo . keep in mind all this is now being posted on the blog your email and my reply and yes you will have to wade through the listings to find it I could make it easy but you NEED to read what is being said .


This was my reply