Saturday, February 9, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - SL's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - SL's Q&A profile

You try to equate your lame fsm to Christianity, and try to make Christians look foolish.Let me tell you this, fsm has ZERO, "0" years of history, culture, literature, archaeology, facts while Christianity has 4000 years worth of all that.fsm is a tiny figment of your imagination, but Jesus Christ is a historical figure regconised by CHristians and non-christians alike.fsm seems very cartoonish, while God in the Bible, dictates laws, and guided the Jewish people, and prevented them from total annihilation by His Laws and Instructions from His prophets.fsm is so cute, i could make a soft toy out of it. but we cannot make a soft toy out of Jesus as it is sin.
10 minutes ago
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who asked the qustion. I'm so frustrated that 2 answerers called me Nazi because of my avatar. My name is "Communty Guidelines" and my avatar is Hitler. I'm not associating myself with Hitler, I am associating the Y!A Abuse Team with Nazis Why are people so dense?.