Saturday, February 9, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Kyle Ain's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Kyle Ain's Q&A profile

I understand, I sometimes am very depressed.Hopefully this message will lead you to happiness. It applies to anyone who doesn't trust that Jesus is God.Jesus warned those who don't have God's forgiveness to get it immediately: "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" - Matthew 16:26And he also said:"first seek [God's] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [things you need in life] will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33You can learn how to get it by clicking the link in my profile and clicking the link n the right of my profile of that site which is linked to my free biblical guides. Look for the "gospel" download and pray to God to understand it. It's only a page and was written very easy so that even a kid with decent English language knowledge can understand it if he really wants to please God.Once you have eternal life you automatically are in a family of countless millions and have countless friends and you will be able to help others to have eternal life or to understand or obey God better if he wills it. You will also have the ability to make close friends more easily in this life though you are not guaranteed by him to make any. You will have close friends forever however once Jesus returns.Remember that you will be a hypocrite in God's eyes if you try to go about helping others to be moral if you aren't even forgiven of your sins. Jesus warned against such hypocrisy:"first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." - Luke 6:42And only God can unblind you so that you can understand his word well enough to get his forgiveness and your own eternal spirit (which no one has until they are forgiven).Remember not to assume and not to judge by emotions over logic. If you are not careful to judge correctly like that you will end up making wrong judgments most likely and not know it until you are humiliated.Now whether you have it or not, know this:Sadness is a result of feeling pain, either from not obeying God (like worrying or being impatient) which causes miserable stress, or misery from something like poor nutrition, loneliness, seeing someone you care about in pain, someone being unkind to you or some mental problem caused by brain or genetic damage or too low, excessive or poisonous chemicals.Anger is also results from feeling pain, and feeling it because you hate or hated what was good (such as God) and lost patience with him, or because you see or heard some wrong doing or saw or heard about it.Seek God and the help from forgiven Christian friends and a doctor if necessary. I have a health guide in my biblical guides link (on my digg profile) that may help you.After you are saved you can comfort yourself by thinking about the good God has done, by doing good deeds yourself and then thinking about them, or by thinking about the good that angels and saved Christians have done. As long as you are alive and can think clearly and desire to help someone, you can be useful and do good by praying that God forgives them or blesses them in some other way.If you have eternal life one day your pain will end and you will only be happy forever.My profile contains basic information on how to treat people regardless of whether or not they are Christian or not or sad or not.Feel free to add me so that you can read the answers I give to people.Source:The Bible, my personal experience, the testimony of other Christians and the experience of non-Christians.
2 days ago
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Hopefully this message will lead you to happiness. It applies to anyone who doesn't trust that Jesus is God.Jesus warned those who don't have God's forgiveness to get it immediately: "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" - Matthew 16:26And he also said:"first seek [God's] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [things you need in life] will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33You can learn how to get it by clicking the link in my profile and clicking the link n the right of my profile of that site which is linked to my free biblical guides. Look for the "gospel" download and pray to God to understand it. It's only a page and was written very easy so that even a kid with decent English language knowledge can understand it if he really wants to please God.Once you have eternal life you automatically are in a family of countless millions and have countless friends and you will be able to help others to have eternal life or to understand or obey God better if he wills it. You will also have the ability to make close friends more easily in this life though you are not guaranteed by him to make any. You will have close friends forever however once Jesus returns.Remember that you will be a hypocrite in God's eyes if you try to go about helping others to be moral if you aren't even forgiven of your sins. Jesus warned against such hypocrisy:"first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." - Luke 6:42And only God can unblind you so that you can understand his word well enough to get his forgiveness and your own eternal spirit (which no one has until they are forgiven).Remember not to assume and not to judge by emotions over logic. If you are not careful to judge correctly like that you will end up making wrong judgments most likely and not know it until you are humiliated.Now whether you have it or not, know this:Sadness is a result of feeling pain, either from not obeying God (like worrying or being impatient) which causes miserable stress, or misery from something like poor nutrition, loneliness, seeing someone you care about in pain, someone being unkind to you or some mental problem caused by brain or genetic damage or too low, excessive or poisonous chemicals.Anger is also results from feeling pain, and feeling it because you hate or hated what was good (such as God) and lost patience with him, or because you see or heard some wrong doing or saw or heard about it.Seek God and the help from forgiven Christian friends and a doctor if necessary. I have a health guide in my biblical guides link (on my digg profile) that may help you.After you are saved you can comfort yourself by thinking about the good God has done, by doing good deeds yourself and then thinking about them, or by thinking about the good that angels and saved Christians have done. As long as you are alive and can think clearly and desire to help someone, you can be useful and do good by praying that God forgives them or blesses them in some other way.If you have eternal life one day your pain will end and you will only be happy forever.My profile contains basic information on how to treat people regardless of whether or not they are Christian or not or sad or not.Feel free to add me so that you can read the answers I give to people.Source:The Bible, my personal experience, the testimony of other Christians and the experience of non-Christians.
2 days ago
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As you can see he himself is depressed meaning that the reason he attacks people is that he is trying to prove to himself that he is right . Here is proof positive that what I say is correct and most Christians are to be pitied because what the bible teaches is so against their very nature as to drive them into dependance on anti-depressants and/or alcohol . This is Chosen by grace's new account and due to his depression and own doubts he will attack anyone who disagress with him using multiple accts to acheive your deletion .


Lizard of Ahaz said...

I did have a hamster that I loved to death. I kissed it many times every day. She didn't seem to love me though and seemed not to bite me only because I gave her good food and drinks a lot. She often tried to run away into this hole in the wall and would come back out to stuff her face with food.

Her eyes stopped working and seemed to be getting infected and I could see she was often angry and depressed. So I did what I really really did not want to do and am very sad over her.

I wish I could have at least gotten a baby from her but I didn't have enough money to get a male for her.

I sometimes think about getting another hamster but I feel sick about it since it just won't be the same. It's especially depressing since I pretty much have no friends where I live.
2 months ago
My life.25% 1 Vote 0 Rating: Good Answer 1 Rating: Bad Answer Report It Thanks for rating!
Gee I kind of wonder who voted for this as BA I know for a fact it had to be a very sick person like the writer !

Lizard of Ahaz said...

Man the more this guy says the worse he looks I sure hope he doesn't find a woman dumb enough to like him she might end up in his freezer !