Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - scottdman2003's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - scottdman2003's Q&A profile

Hmmmmmmm. well?It seems most of these "atheists" in here are nothing more than spiritually bankrupted miserable people. Why are they attacking you? It's kinda like attacking the messenger instead of the writer of the message. They seem like angry people. Like an old friend of mine used to say, "if you're so right, then why are you so angry?"I guess they have never heard of spiritual death, and ironically, many of them sound like they are in the middle of it with their insults and rants, and don't even know it.I'm not an overly religious person. I believe what I believe and that is in the Lord. I at one time was a self proclaimed "agnostic" in that I believed in a God, but he wasn't for me. Boy was I wrong.I also believe that we do reap what we sow. You sow evil, you receive it in kind. I would love to get a glimpse of the atheists lives in here. I would bet that in many ways they have no true friends, many probably struggle financially or are just miserable human beings. I know, I know. I'll probably get slammed for saying so. But if these people were capable of being completely honest with themselves and others, they would be able to look at their lives and be able to admit that, yes, they are experiencing many troubles in their lives, and they also blame those troubles on bad luck, other people so forth and so on. When in reality, it is their own faults that are causing them problems.
18 hours ago
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No Scott you ar the spirtually bankrupt one here we get morons here all the time like your troll girlfriend who posts a chain email as proof everyone else is wrong . How about I start one that says christians are dying everyday because they pray to a god that doesn't exist and cite examples that happen after the email was written . Would that be proof you are wrong ? On the average atheist make far more money than christians because of higher average educational levels . Remember your own words as they are haunting you now " You sow evil , you recieve it in kind . " Everytime you help a ranting slimebag you sow evil and that makes you so . Lying about being agnostic once won't help if you had been you would realize the state you refer to is not agnostic at all .

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