Saturday, February 23, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Steve C's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Steve C's Q&A profile

Atheists are just jealous and egotistical.most have been "wronged" by religion or by what they think was God's doing... so now they vent their hatred against God and whomever follows it.the egotistical ones, just think they are smarter than everyone else, and they would never believe in that mumbo - my oppinion... it's their loss, As a physician, I've seen tons of them magically convert once they are admited into the hospital with a life threatening illness... some of them dont even have serious conditions... ah well... thanks for all the thumbs down Atheists... they make me laugh !!!
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Steve C is full of crap as he is not a doctor the retard can't even spell .

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