Saturday, February 23, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - jonathan∞'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - jonathan∞'s Q&A profile

Atheists is necrophilia right or wrong?
I know its wrong, but coming from somebody that has no bases for morality, I was wondering how do you determine if this particular act, is morally right, or wrong.
1 hour ago
- 3 days left to answer.
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1 hour ago
Just for the sake of argument lets assume, that nobody would ever find out about it.
1 hour ago
No more ad hominem fallacies.
1 hour ago
I see a lot of opinions, no reasons why.
1 hour ago
Conscience, is evidence of God, not evidence for evolution.
1 hour ago
Once I am dead, I do not care what is done to my body.
51 minutes ago
It's wrong because it is disrespectful.The dead won't find out, besides you're Atheist, you're always disrespectfulIt is wrong because it is unnatural Again why would this matter, you're an Atheist, i mean homosexuality is unnatural tooIt is uncleanSo is the air, and nobody is saying it is morally wrong.
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