Friday, February 15, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Heaven bound's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Heaven bound's Q&A profile

Christians how many of you on line will not vote for Obama sin laden?
I hope he does not get in. Number one he is a muslim, two he is for abortions.(I believe if you are old enough to bleed you are old enough to breed) and three he is supporting gays. (poofs) I go for Clinton. and Huckabie is ok too. stuff obama.
19 minutes ago
- 3 days left to answer.
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If ever there was a reason to promote birth control among the FUN-DUH-MENTAL-ists this one could be a poster child for both prophylactics as well as abortion .

1 comment:

Lizard of Ahaz said...

This is a question for "athiests". why were you born? why are you here, and where are you going?
What is your purpose for existing? and what is the point of living and enjoying life if there is no life after death which there is. so since you so not believe the Great Almight God, Heaven and hell and you think when you die you cease to exist what are you doing here then? Is not your meaning in this life usless? Like you are just existing and that is it. Just a walking time bomb getting ready to die anytime. Gee that sounds very dark to me. so tell me why are you just a walking time bomb so when you die you do not exist anymore? walking death I call it. You see as a christain I have hope and faith unlike many. And yes I have had many experiences with the supernatural like you would never understand. You see a mere mortal cannot understand anything that is bigger than they are. Christains what do you do about these people? do you encourage them and if you do and they ignore you do you ignore them and think o well they are hell bound or do you persist without being pushy.
6 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.