Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Sweet n Sour's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Sweet n Sour's Q&A profile

And once again a level 7 bigot Yahoo quit allowing the haters to prosper here .


Unknown said...

Hey I have some bigots' profiles you might wanna add:
Rodeny C

claims to be an ex-atheist, brags about ti a lot, so much preaching and bigotry.


He is so rude in many of his answers. And preaches quite often.
More to come

Lizard of Ahaz said...

Until I can find out from Google how to delete this entry I have to use a comment to retract this entry we had a nice talk for about two hours last night and have come to an understanding . She realizes this is not a hit list but rather a tool to stop the spread of hate on yahoo . I have found that this is a nice person who has a lot of potential for good in her . People like this we need more of . She has also found that online sarcasm is a double edged sword and should be made known to all .