Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Jay's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Jay's Q&A profile

Where do athiests get married?
And how do they get married? Do they exchange rings?
40 minutes ago
- 3 days left to answer.
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35 minutes ago
Joe, does it look like iam kidding?Is this Yahoo Tell a joke?

In a toilet in San Francisco
35 minutes ago
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When someone looking for information asks a rational question and a scumbag answers like this I find it pathetic .

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - HenryIX's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - HenryIX's Q&A profile

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December 06, 2007
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Why do homosexuals claim to have a right to spread the HIV virus?
8 minutes ago
- 3 days left to answer.
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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - 14/88's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - 14/88's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - apologious's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - apologious's Q&A profile

it should be. even if it isn't treason in the united states, it is treason in the highest order, treason against heaven's King, to deny one's Maker.
23 minutes ago
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Yahoo! Answers - Pastor Winthrop's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Pastor Winthrop's Q&A profile

Isn't Atheism tantamount to Treason in America?
Considering much of our political verbiage uses thename of "God" in it, how can an Atheist be a truepatriot?"Are we not One Nation under God in whom we trust?"Do we not use the term "God Bless America".Isn't it necessary for a President to be inauguratedsaying the words "So help me God."?What do you think of barring atheists from holdingpublic office until and unless they swear allegianceto God as well as to the flag of the United States?
17 minutes ago
- 3 days left to answer.
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Yahoo! Answers - Here's to Atheism!'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Here's to Atheism!'s Q&A profile

Because everyone's a He-Man and a Wonder Woman online. But be careful, you might provoke some of them to start shooting up more kids at school or work if they get too frustrated with you and your point(s)!
36 minutes ago
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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Michael's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Michael's Q&A profile

Because Athiest are going to hell, And shouldnt be on Yahoo Answers giving advice to inoocent people.
2 hours ago
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11 Rating: Bad Answer
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Friday, February 29, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Low Contributor's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Low Contributor's Q&A profile

Cos they smell.
8 minutes ago
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Such a nice person isn't he ?

Yahoo! Answers - Imperious's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Imperious's Q&A profile

Real Atheists are amoral nihilists who consider life to be meaningless.As such, they have no values and consider nothing tobe sacred or inviolable.Most atheists, however, are esssentially Christian in theirapproach to family, society and humanity.
3 minutes ago
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Will H Questions and Answers - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers

Will H Questions and Answers - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers

Because there are more Atheist Zealots than in other religions. Atheists are mean spirited too. Have you ever been to the atheist website? It is just steeped in a general mean, let's-mess-with-somebody feel. They will say, "Keep your religion to your self," but when hasn't an atheist shoved his beliefs down your throat?I would rather believe in something. If I die and am wrong, then I will never know. If an atheist dies and is wrong, he will know forever.
2 minutes ago
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Monday, February 25, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - WORD POWER's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - WORD POWER's Q&A profile

why are you a live please disappear
4 minutes ago
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Such a nice christian thing to say about someone .

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Melissa H's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Melissa H's Q&A profile

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Is being a jerk a requirement for being atheist?
9 minutes ago
- 3 days left to answer.
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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Sarah S's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Sarah S's Q&A profile

friendly my Azzs. u all deserved to get deleted, good riddance
7 hours ago
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Yahoo! Answers - jonathan∞'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - jonathan∞'s Q&A profile

Atheists is necrophilia right or wrong?
I know its wrong, but coming from somebody that has no bases for morality, I was wondering how do you determine if this particular act, is morally right, or wrong.
1 hour ago
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1 hour ago
Just for the sake of argument lets assume, that nobody would ever find out about it.
1 hour ago
No more ad hominem fallacies.
1 hour ago
I see a lot of opinions, no reasons why.
1 hour ago
Conscience, is evidence of God, not evidence for evolution.
1 hour ago
Once I am dead, I do not care what is done to my body.
51 minutes ago
It's wrong because it is disrespectful.The dead won't find out, besides you're Atheist, you're always disrespectfulIt is wrong because it is unnatural Again why would this matter, you're an Atheist, i mean homosexuality is unnatural tooIt is uncleanSo is the air, and nobody is saying it is morally wrong.
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Yahoo! Answers - Steve C's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Steve C's Q&A profile

Atheists are just jealous and egotistical.most have been "wronged" by religion or by what they think was God's doing... so now they vent their hatred against God and whomever follows it.the egotistical ones, just think they are smarter than everyone else, and they would never believe in that mumbo - jumbo...in my oppinion... it's their loss, As a physician, I've seen tons of them magically convert once they are admited into the hospital with a life threatening illness... some of them dont even have serious conditions... ah well... thanks for all the thumbs down Atheists... they make me laugh !!!
2 minutes ago
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Steve C is full of crap as he is not a doctor the retard can't even spell .

Yahoo! Answers - Jane's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Jane's Q&A profile

Being hated by Atheists should be considered a badge of honor. Atheists are the most evil, amoral (indeed immoral) people around.
3 minutes ago
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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - jenny s's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - jenny s's Q&A profile

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Atheists/agnostics: if you were unable to perform earthly plesures, would you want to die?
22 minutes ago
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20 minutes ago
if you couldn't have sex if you're gay, would you want to be gay?
19 minutes ago
what is life about for you if not hitting the pleasure button everytime 50 times +
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - scottdman2003's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - scottdman2003's Q&A profile

Hmmmmmmm. well?It seems most of these "atheists" in here are nothing more than spiritually bankrupted miserable people. Why are they attacking you? It's kinda like attacking the messenger instead of the writer of the message. They seem like angry people. Like an old friend of mine used to say, "if you're so right, then why are you so angry?"I guess they have never heard of spiritual death, and ironically, many of them sound like they are in the middle of it with their insults and rants, and don't even know it.I'm not an overly religious person. I believe what I believe and that is in the Lord. I at one time was a self proclaimed "agnostic" in that I believed in a God, but he wasn't for me. Boy was I wrong.I also believe that we do reap what we sow. You sow evil, you receive it in kind. I would love to get a glimpse of the atheists lives in here. I would bet that in many ways they have no true friends, many probably struggle financially or are just miserable human beings. I know, I know. I'll probably get slammed for saying so. But if these people were capable of being completely honest with themselves and others, they would be able to look at their lives and be able to admit that, yes, they are experiencing many troubles in their lives, and they also blame those troubles on bad luck, other people so forth and so on. When in reality, it is their own faults that are causing them problems.
18 hours ago
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No Scott you ar the spirtually bankrupt one here we get morons here all the time like your troll girlfriend who posts a chain email as proof everyone else is wrong . How about I start one that says christians are dying everyday because they pray to a god that doesn't exist and cite examples that happen after the email was written . Would that be proof you are wrong ? On the average atheist make far more money than christians because of higher average educational levels . Remember your own words as they are haunting you now " You sow evil , you recieve it in kind . " Everytime you help a ranting slimebag you sow evil and that makes you so . Lying about being agnostic once won't help if you had been you would realize the state you refer to is not agnostic at all .

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - your neighbor's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - your neighbor's Q&A profile

This one emails people a friend of mine told me he sent some really strange hate mail to her threatening and insulting stuff . Look out for him even more if he tries to be your friend .

Yahoo! Answers - Action's Fury=Truth Speaker's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Action's Fury=Truth Speaker's Q&A profile

Bismillฤhir-Raรบmฤnir-Raรบeem = "In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate".Non-Muslims want to provoke Muslims by making pictures of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), Pope Benedict XVI of Vatican passed foolish & lieish remarks on ISLAM.Berlin opera pulled over Muhammad scene http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060926/ap_o...Swedish Sketches Start Another Ridiculous Backlashhttp://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/matthew...Danish papers reprint Muhammad cartoonhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080213/ap_o...The Blasphemous Teddy Bearhttp://www.time.com/time/world/article/0...She was a teacher in an Islamic country “Sudan” & she did not know the very basics of the national religion of that country, she must have guided the children rather than helping them out in a immature act.Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quranhttp://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/11/2...& http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geert_Wilde...Very important news!!! The artist who drew the pictures of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) has died in a fire. He was burned alive. Denmark government is hiding the news from the public and everyone has got to know. Plz spread this.... (Its the price one must pay 4 the insult of Allah's Prophet) plz copy and paste this as many ppl... Thank you for your co operation.Check proof of death of Danish artist who drew sketches of Prophet Muhammad (SallAllaho Alaihi Wasallam) http://www.nation.com.pk/daily/june-2006...PENALTY EVEN IN THIS WORLD TO THOSE WHO KILLED MUSLIMS (e.g. Slobodan Milosevic) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11777120/?GT...My sources:Research & observations from Holy Quran & Sahee Hadith, Religious scholars like Sheikh Ahmed Deedat’s www.ahmed-deedat.co.za, Dr. Zakir Naik's www.irf.net , www.peacetv.in, Aalama Tahir-ul-Qadri, Israr Ahmed etc. May Allah help & guide us all, Amen’.
12 hours ago
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Friday, February 15, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Ladyeagle7's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Ladyeagle7's Q&A profile

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Atheists, no every-one, 'Just Co-incidence?'........ ' You Reap Whay You Sow?' see below v?
Do you truly believe in “you reap what you sow”….I guess this email proves that you should never mock the Truth…KNOW THESE FACTS? ...I SURE DIDNT TILL NOW Make a personal reflection about this.....Death is certain but the Bible speaks about untimely death!Very interesting, read until the end..... It is written in the Bible (Galatians 6:7):"Be not deceived; God is not mocked:for whatsoever a man soweth,that shall he also reap.Here are some men and women who mocked God :John Lennon (Singer):Some years before, during his interview with an American Magazine, he said:"Christianity will end, it will disappear.I do not have to argue about that. I am certain. Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, Today we are more famous than Him" (1966).Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.Tancredo Neves (President of Brazil ):During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500,000 votes from his
2 hours ago
- 3 days left to answer.
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2 hours ago
votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency.Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died .Cazuza (Bi-sexual Brazilian composer, singer and poet):During A show in Canecio (Rio de Janeiro ), while smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said: "God, that's for you."He died at the age of 32 of AIDS in a horrible manner. .The man who built the Titanic After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be. with an ironic tone he said:"Not even God can sink it"The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic. . Marilyn Monroe (Actress)She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show He said the Spirit of God
2 hours ago
the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her.After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said:"I don't need your Jesus".A week later, she was found dead in her apartmentBon Scott (Singer)The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC. On one of his 1979 songs he sang:"Don't stop me, I'm going down all the way, down the highway to hell".On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his own vomit.Campinas (IN 2005)In Campinas, Brazil a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend.....The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter holding her hand, who was already seated in the car: "My Daughter, Go With God And May He Protect You.. " She responded: "Only If He (God) Travels In The Trunk, Cause Inside Here.....It's Already Full "
2 hours ago
Already Full " Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died, the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact.The police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the trunk was a crate of eggs, none was broken ..Christine Hewitt (Jamaican Journalist and entertainer) said the Bible (Word of God) was the worst book ever written.In June 2006 she was found burnt beyond recognition in her motor vehicle.
1 hour ago
Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other name that was given so much authority as the name of Jesus.Many have died, but only Jesus died and rose again, and he is still alive"Jesus"I have done my part, Jesus said, "If you are embarrassed about me, I will also be embarrassed about you before my father."Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen."Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:9
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Gad what a scumbag ! I have recieved this and other emails like it and all of them tell you crap that is twisted out of context or outright lies .most of what they claim happened is retarded for the simple reason that how would they know about it before it happened in order to put it into the email ? Sometime that retarded bitches who forward stupid chain emails just can't get through that fat FUN-DUH-MENTAL-ist skull of theirs .

Yahoo! Answers - Heaven bound's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Heaven bound's Q&A profile

Christians how many of you on line will not vote for Obama sin laden?
I hope he does not get in. Number one he is a muslim, two he is for abortions.(I believe if you are old enough to bleed you are old enough to breed) and three he is supporting gays. (poofs) I go for Clinton. and Huckabie is ok too. stuff obama.
19 minutes ago
- 3 days left to answer.
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If ever there was a reason to promote birth control among the FUN-DUH-MENTAL-ists this one could be a poster child for both prophylactics as well as abortion .

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Ex-atheist's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Ex-atheist's Q&A profile

you will burn you fuc*** ******** atheist i will so find you.
11 minutes ago
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Such a sweet guy and filled with love and christian charity for his fellow man . I just bet he is struggling with his own sexuality .

Yahoo! Answers - ya_vigilante's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - ya_vigilante's Q&A profile
Message: You must be confused. The poster of the question spelled it correctly. My answer was directed to "Balaam's Talking AM Donkey ". There is no such word as "athiest". It is "not" the plural of atheist. I am not a religious person. I am a logical one. As you can see by my user i.d., I police Yahoo Answers and am the judge, jury and executioner.

Message: You're not American, are you. Your grammar is terrible. I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't talk out of my ***. Like I said, I corrected someone else who "was" talking out of his ***. I am an intelligent, logical person. I'm not religious, an atheist, Gay or a homophobe. There are only two things I live by. Right and wrong. And only logic and science determines the difference between the two.

Message: Well, since you are either a liar or an imbesile, this will be my last response to you. If you are an American, then you need to go back to school and learn the English language. If you are not an American, then you should stay off the American Y/A and use your country's Y/A section. Different countries, different beliefs. I don't have the time or inclination to change the whole world's understanding of what is right and what is wrong. If you're a raghead and want to tie a bomb to your ***, fine. Come into my world and threaten my well being and I'll put a bullet into your head, without hesitation.

Perhaps he should learn to spell the big words ? All I did was attempt to correct a simple misconception on his part and I get death threats I make no secret of where I live if he has the hairs he is welcome to try . We people have tried it before and I still survive .

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Jennilyn's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Jennilyn's Q&A profile

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Why do so many of atheist are old and bald?
22 minutes ago
- 3 days left to answer.
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Yahoo! Answers - Hannah's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Hannah's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Michael's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Michael's Q&A profile

Lack of Oxygen in the brain causes male baldness and thus irrational behavior such as the belief we came from some Primordial Soup. What a whooper of a story!! What are the odds of that happening? 10 to the 10000 power. Impossible. Period.
9 minutes ago
curable through Minoxidil
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Need I say anything at all ?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Evil Blue Liar's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Evil Blue Liar's Q&A profile

This is the new account of chosen by god a religious FUN-DUH-MENTAL-ist nut case who stalks and creates problems on answers trying to blame it on atheists and pagans . To you we say screw yourself butthead you are a bigot and a fool ! The world would be a far better and nicer place if people like you would just rupture yourselves !

Yahoo! Answers - Oregon Flower's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Oregon Flower's Q&A profile

ANY sex outside of marriage is considered a sin. Unrepentant sin is punished on Judgment Day. If you have not yet repented and asked Jesus into your life as your Savior, that is necessary first, before you are given the free gift of everlasting life.God bless you!
8 minutes ago
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This one is a suspected report monkey and is noted for her attacks on gays and atheists .

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Kyle Ain's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Kyle Ain's Q&A profile

I understand, I sometimes am very depressed.Hopefully this message will lead you to happiness. It applies to anyone who doesn't trust that Jesus is God.Jesus warned those who don't have God's forgiveness to get it immediately: "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" - Matthew 16:26And he also said:"first seek [God's] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [things you need in life] will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33You can learn how to get it by clicking the link in my profile and clicking the link n the right of my profile of that site which is linked to my free biblical guides. Look for the "gospel" download and pray to God to understand it. It's only a page and was written very easy so that even a kid with decent English language knowledge can understand it if he really wants to please God.Once you have eternal life you automatically are in a family of countless millions and have countless friends and you will be able to help others to have eternal life or to understand or obey God better if he wills it. You will also have the ability to make close friends more easily in this life though you are not guaranteed by him to make any. You will have close friends forever however once Jesus returns.Remember that you will be a hypocrite in God's eyes if you try to go about helping others to be moral if you aren't even forgiven of your sins. Jesus warned against such hypocrisy:"first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." - Luke 6:42And only God can unblind you so that you can understand his word well enough to get his forgiveness and your own eternal spirit (which no one has until they are forgiven).Remember not to assume and not to judge by emotions over logic. If you are not careful to judge correctly like that you will end up making wrong judgments most likely and not know it until you are humiliated.Now whether you have it or not, know this:Sadness is a result of feeling pain, either from not obeying God (like worrying or being impatient) which causes miserable stress, or misery from something like poor nutrition, loneliness, seeing someone you care about in pain, someone being unkind to you or some mental problem caused by brain or genetic damage or too low, excessive or poisonous chemicals.Anger is also results from feeling pain, and feeling it because you hate or hated what was good (such as God) and lost patience with him, or because you see or heard some wrong doing or saw or heard about it.Seek God and the help from forgiven Christian friends and a doctor if necessary. I have a health guide in my biblical guides link (on my digg profile) that may help you.After you are saved you can comfort yourself by thinking about the good God has done, by doing good deeds yourself and then thinking about them, or by thinking about the good that angels and saved Christians have done. As long as you are alive and can think clearly and desire to help someone, you can be useful and do good by praying that God forgives them or blesses them in some other way.If you have eternal life one day your pain will end and you will only be happy forever.My profile contains basic information on how to treat people regardless of whether or not they are Christian or not or sad or not.Feel free to add me so that you can read the answers I give to people.Source:The Bible, my personal experience, the testimony of other Christians and the experience of non-Christians.
2 days ago
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Hopefully this message will lead you to happiness. It applies to anyone who doesn't trust that Jesus is God.Jesus warned those who don't have God's forgiveness to get it immediately: "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" - Matthew 16:26And he also said:"first seek [God's] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [things you need in life] will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33You can learn how to get it by clicking the link in my profile and clicking the link n the right of my profile of that site which is linked to my free biblical guides. Look for the "gospel" download and pray to God to understand it. It's only a page and was written very easy so that even a kid with decent English language knowledge can understand it if he really wants to please God.Once you have eternal life you automatically are in a family of countless millions and have countless friends and you will be able to help others to have eternal life or to understand or obey God better if he wills it. You will also have the ability to make close friends more easily in this life though you are not guaranteed by him to make any. You will have close friends forever however once Jesus returns.Remember that you will be a hypocrite in God's eyes if you try to go about helping others to be moral if you aren't even forgiven of your sins. Jesus warned against such hypocrisy:"first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." - Luke 6:42And only God can unblind you so that you can understand his word well enough to get his forgiveness and your own eternal spirit (which no one has until they are forgiven).Remember not to assume and not to judge by emotions over logic. If you are not careful to judge correctly like that you will end up making wrong judgments most likely and not know it until you are humiliated.Now whether you have it or not, know this:Sadness is a result of feeling pain, either from not obeying God (like worrying or being impatient) which causes miserable stress, or misery from something like poor nutrition, loneliness, seeing someone you care about in pain, someone being unkind to you or some mental problem caused by brain or genetic damage or too low, excessive or poisonous chemicals.Anger is also results from feeling pain, and feeling it because you hate or hated what was good (such as God) and lost patience with him, or because you see or heard some wrong doing or saw or heard about it.Seek God and the help from forgiven Christian friends and a doctor if necessary. I have a health guide in my biblical guides link (on my digg profile) that may help you.After you are saved you can comfort yourself by thinking about the good God has done, by doing good deeds yourself and then thinking about them, or by thinking about the good that angels and saved Christians have done. As long as you are alive and can think clearly and desire to help someone, you can be useful and do good by praying that God forgives them or blesses them in some other way.If you have eternal life one day your pain will end and you will only be happy forever.My profile contains basic information on how to treat people regardless of whether or not they are Christian or not or sad or not.Feel free to add me so that you can read the answers I give to people.Source:The Bible, my personal experience, the testimony of other Christians and the experience of non-Christians.
2 days ago
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As you can see he himself is depressed meaning that the reason he attacks people is that he is trying to prove to himself that he is right . Here is proof positive that what I say is correct and most Christians are to be pitied because what the bible teaches is so against their very nature as to drive them into dependance on anti-depressants and/or alcohol . This is Chosen by grace's new account and due to his depression and own doubts he will attack anyone who disagress with him using multiple accts to acheive your deletion .

Yahoo! Answers - Rebbecca A's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Rebbecca A's Q&A profile

Sex outside marriage is always wrong. Unfortunately even believers have been poisoned by the false prophets Freud and Hefner. Porno should be illegal as it is almost everywhere else in the world. We are the barbarians for letting it go on.
12 hours ago
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Yahoo! Answers - Calub M's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Calub M's Q&A profile

Screw you stupid Nazi. Screw you Hitler. Also Screw you Freaking ***. I hope you run into a bunker and then shoot yourself. Stop acting like you know everything and shut up.
20 minutes ago
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When I see a answer like this to a humorous question about confessing your sins to the FSM by a guy named community guidelines and using a Hitler avatar because the Yahoo moderators are bigots themselves then I have to think he must be mentally retarded .

Yahoo! Answers - SL's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - SL's Q&A profile

You try to equate your lame fsm to Christianity, and try to make Christians look foolish.Let me tell you this, fsm has ZERO, "0" years of history, culture, literature, archaeology, facts while Christianity has 4000 years worth of all that.fsm is a tiny figment of your imagination, but Jesus Christ is a historical figure regconised by CHristians and non-christians alike.fsm seems very cartoonish, while God in the Bible, dictates laws, and guided the Jewish people, and prevented them from total annihilation by His Laws and Instructions from His prophets.fsm is so cute, i could make a soft toy out of it. but we cannot make a soft toy out of Jesus as it is sin.
10 minutes ago
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Yahoo! Answers - iamledbythelord's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - iamledbythelord's Q&A profile

I believe from hearing your point of view that you have already made your choice. It is simply too sad, but there will be many who choose Satan (Athiest View) over Christ. That will be your loss in the final judgement days. In regards to what Christians would have Athiests do..I don't think a real Christian would persue the matter too far once they heard your point of view or continue to suggest to you what to do. There are too many lost souls in this world who actually want to know more about Christ...even Agnostics...for Christians to witness too.So therefore, talking to one of Satan's Advocates in your case would probably just waste the time spent that could be for someone else.As a Christian myself all I can say is I will pray for you, since you do not for yourself. But in reality "Only You" can repair the damage to your "inner spirit".Please read the verses below..if you should have access to TheWord of God.
10 hours ago
Mark 16:16 and Revelation 21: 7-9 (which is in our present days.)
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Friday, February 8, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Dada C's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Dada C's Q&A profile

throw an aethiest off a plane without a parachute and hear... OH NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG HELPPPPPPPPPPPPP

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - billyclintonio's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - billyclintonio's Q&A profile

Gee are we a bit of a ranter ?

Yahoo! Answers - Carl K's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Carl K's Q&A profile

Why have Americans abandoned absolute truth?
American's can't understand absolute truth anymore. It's always, "well that's your truth", or "that's good for you but not for me." HELLO! There is absolute truth! There is a right and wrong answer, not everyone can be right, there can't be multiple ways to heaven. We need to stop being so tolerant and realize that the only absolute truth is that Jesus Christ is God and He's the only way to heaven. That's it, there's no multiple truths out there, just one.

Carl K is a bigoted pusswad of a sickening sort and I am glad to place him here !

Yahoo! Answers - Oom Albert's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Oom Albert's Q&A profile

of course you would sit back in your chair with delight - so does your master - Satan - who causes all the discord.

Please blame the right people YOUR fellow theists and whatever excuse for a god they worship this week .

Yahoo! Answers - Chiyo's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Chiyo's Q&A profile

Man, people are incredibly faithless, they must lead awful lifes.If you're an athiest, you shouldn't be wasting your time argueing with Christians, you odviously believe in no God, therefore, you should stop wasting you time. If you believe Christians are wrong about God, let them live their life, and get on with yours.

You have it backwards little girl they arue with us and we just answer to irratate them with the fact we have love & compassion while they only have hate to keep them warm .

Yahoo! Answers - Pippy's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Pippy's Q&A profile

Yes, won't it be pitiful to see them plead with He whom they have said so fervently does Not exist?

Yahoo! Answers - Tammy S's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Tammy S's Q&A profile

When athiest want a drink of ice water in hell, will they request it from the God they say isn't real?

Yahoo! Answers - ฤantes's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - ฤantes's Q&A profile

by ฤantes
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September 29, 2007
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6389 (Level 5)
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I doubt if it's "their life" as you say.Most of them are just like every other average person.The one thing I do believe most if not all atheist have in common is that they are spiritually dead and cannot perceive spiritual matters regardless of level of intellect.In this regard they are just like animals with a mind and body and not much else.

Yahoo! Answers - Michael B.'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Michael B.'s Q&A profile

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - A Former Pastor's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - A Former Pastor's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Michelle's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Michelle's Q&A profile
She may "love god " but she sure doesn't like people much . Wonder if she hates the "sins " she is guilty of and that is why she hates them so much .

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Atheists, did you ever have to hide your beliefs from your friends and family? - Yahoo! Answers

Atheists, did you ever have to hide your beliefs from your friends and family? - Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo! Answers - Boing!!'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Boing!!'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Philosoetic's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Philosoetic's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Angeltress's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Angeltress's Q&A profile

Steve b Seeking after salvation Questions and Answers - Yahoo!7 Answers

Steve b Seeking after salvation Questions and Answers - Yahoo!7 Answers

Yahoo! Answers - Sweet n Sour's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Sweet n Sour's Q&A profile

And once again a level 7 bigot Yahoo quit allowing the haters to prosper here .

Yahoo! Answers - E coli's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - E coli's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Got the Answers man!!!'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Got the Answers man!!!'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - sabbonist's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - sabbonist's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Michael's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Michael's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - American Boy's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - American Boy's Q&A profile

Monday, February 4, 2008

Yahoo! Mail - lizardofahaz@yahoo.com


Like most of the people in this blog this one mistakes stupidity for wisdom and hides behind a shield accepting neither emails or IM he claims he is a atheist but accuses on of the most well known ones of being a christian . Sorry stupid I was tired at the time I answered And for some reason spell check crashed I have been having problems with IE7 lately and it has been driving me up the wall . I have a hobby it is throwing cold water on fools to awaken them to reality .

Yahoo! Answers - Garden Man's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Garden Man's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - primoa1970's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - primoa1970's Q&A profile

No " Christian charity " in this one " hate the sin love the sinner " Yep straight to hell for a gay and help him on his way right like the ones who beat them to chase away the evil right ?

Yahoo! Answers - † Warrior of the Christ †'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - † Warrior of the Christ †'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Lion of Judah's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Lion of Judah's Q&A profile

Here is another example of Yahoos prejudice against atheists another level 7 account by a FUN-DUH-MENTAL-ist horses butt who spews hate as well as 6 feet of cut and paste not even revelant to the question he is " answering " !

Yahoo! Answers - heir_to_christ's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - heir_to_christ's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - CHRIST'S PUPIL's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - CHRIST'S PUPIL's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Chosen by Grace - Eternian's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Chosen by Grace - Eternian's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Saved by Grace's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Saved by Grace's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - elaine30705's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - elaine30705's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - C. L. Richardson's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - C. L. Richardson's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Wonderful and Fearfuly made!'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Wonderful and Fearfuly made!'s Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Israel for Jesus's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Israel for Jesus's Q&A profile

This one is done at the request of a friend and in my blocked list as well for acting like a horses a** .

Yahoo! Answers - Chris's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Chris's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Fireball226's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Fireball226's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Heather G's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Heather G's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Rousseau's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Rousseau's Q&A profile

So you just made my list because of your comment about atheists all being militant whack jobs . Congradulations bigot you just made the big time ! I just finished setting upo a fund to help a nieghbor of mine I only met in passing twice in 3 months . She was burned out and had no insurance to cover her loss I also found a way to remove the debreis at a break even cost for the park owner so she won't have to pay for the removal of the old trailer . I didn't make any money doing this I put the first 20.00 in the pot so it cost me . I am proud of being a atheist . What have you done for someone lately ?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Onicker k's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Onicker k's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Thrice Blessed's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Thrice Blessed's Q&A profile

Another high ranking bigot who put down gay people and doesn't read the bible she has been told what is " true " .

Yahoo! Answers - Erin Rebekah's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Erin Rebekah's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Jeancommunicates's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Jeancommunicates's Q&A profile

How did this bigot ever make it to level 7 without help from yahoo ?

Yahoo! Answers - kraziemann1's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - kraziemann1's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - crimmsonandclover's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - crimmsonandclover's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - hasse_john's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - hasse_john's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - NozDontKnowMyNamz's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - NozDontKnowMyNamz's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Linda J's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Linda J's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Ericka's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Ericka's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Heather G's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Heather G's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - grneyes1701's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - grneyes1701's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Child of God's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Child of God's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Spear's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Spear's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Robert R's Q&A profile

Yahoo! Answers - Robert R's Q&A profile

Is it true that there have been morwe abortions than all the people who have been killed in all the wars? - Yahoo! Answers

Is it true that there have been morwe abortions than all the people who have been killed in all the wars? - Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo! Mail - lizardofahaz@yahoo.com


Yahoo! Mail - lizardofahaz@yahoo.com


Can any of you atheists recommend a new fleshy way of pleasing myself? - Yahoo! Answers

Can any of you atheists recommend a new fleshy way of pleasing myself? - Yahoo! Answers

Saturday, February 2, 2008

IS ALL that concerns an athiest is fleshly ways to please themselves? - Yahoo! Answers

IS ALL that concerns an athiest is fleshly ways to please themselves? - Yahoo! Answers



Yahoo! Mail - lizardofahaz@yahoo.com




Are the most bigoted people on the Internet the Yahoo answers team ?

So many good questions and parodies are deleted on a daily basis that I often wonder why or how for that matter yahoo stays in business . Constantly atheists and others ar insulted by the criminal harassment of FUN-DUH-MENTAL-ist Christians . They accuse use of many actions that are repulsive to any sane human being and their material is often left intact . While parody of these libellous questions is deleted swiftly . I ask you is Yahoo guilty of censorship and prejudice ?